The 3 Most Terrifying Words in the English Language: Revisiting Your Resume
Why Is This Article Worth Reading? As a legal recruiter, I review hundreds of resumes every year. Disappointingly less than 1 in 10 resumes are good enough to pass on 'as is' to a prospective [...]
Four Cool Activities That Look Good On Your Resume
DOES YOUR RESUME HAVE AN "INTERESTS" SECTION? One of the most important parts of your resume is often the one that candidates pay the least attention to when writing or updating their resumes. I am [...]
First Chat with Recruiter? Are You Prepared?
Being prepared for your first chat with the legal recruiter is a key element in landing a new job! Here are some helpful hints. UPDATE YOUR RESUME Your resume should be current and mistake-free and [...]
Personal Branding for Lawyers – Welcome to the Dark Side?
Law firms are just getting used to the idea of marketing, but are lawyers ready for personal branding? Is personal branding the bright new frontier or the dark side? You want to look good when [...]
Do You Hate Networking Too?
An essential component of getting your foot in the door of the legal profession, furthering your legal career and building your practice is networking. Many of us loathe the idea of coming up to a stranger and starting [...]
Dreaming the Impossible Dream: Finding the Perfect Associate Lawyer Candidate
While finding the perfect Associate Lawyer candidate may seem like an impossible dream, here are several qualities a recruitment firm like Smart Street Legal Recruitment looks for when trying to find the perfect candidate. Interpersonal Skills [...]